
Upcoming Engagement Activities

Stay Informed

The Middle Creek Energy Hub project team is hosting a Community Information Session in Wandoan on Tuesday, 29 October 2024, where we’ll share details about the proposed Middle Creek Energy Hub and provide you with an opportunity to ask questions and share your feedback.

This session is part of our commitment to open, respectful engagement with the Wandoan community. We welcome the opportunity to hear your thoughts on the project and discuss what matters most to you.

If you would like to learn more about the Project, or have questions about the upcoming meeting, please reach out to us on 1800 28 24 26 or at [email protected].

Activity Date Time Location
Community Information Session
29 October
5.30pm – 7.30pm
Wandoan Cultural Centre Henderson Road, Wandoan

The Community Information Session will start with a presentation and Q&A at 6.00pm, followed by refreshments and BBQ at 6.45pm.

Community First

Creating Opportunity

As a developer, owner and operator, Cubico is committed to early, effective and meaningful engagement. If our project proceeds, then we will be your neighbour for 30 years or more, so we want to work with you to deliver benefits that are wanted and needed.

We have begun conversations with the Western Downs Regional Council and the Barunggam and Bigambul people.

We will be hosting events in the community soon and look forward to meeting you.

A wind turbine being transported to a wind energy hub in Queensland
Cubico's DRIVE

Our Core Values

We are driven by six core values – Diversity, Respect, Integrity, Value Creation and Excellence, which make up our final value, DRIVE. These values encourage us to take pride in our work, achieve our goals and attain outstanding results.

Diversity Icon


Diversity of thought, skills and global capabilities

Respect Icon


Respect for people, communities and the environment

Integrity Icon


Integrity and determination to build a better future

Value Creation Icon

Value Creation

Value creation for our shareholders

Excellence Icon


Excellence in everything we do



DRIVE and ambition to achieve our goals

A girls rugby team that could receive funding as part of the Middle Creek Energy Hub Community Benefits Scheme
Supporting Our Community

Community Benefits Fund

A Community Benefit Fund will be established if the project proceeds to operations.

You know your community best – we would like to hear from you as to how we can help make a positive impact in the community.

Connect With Us

To stay informed about the latest status of the Middle Creek Energy Hub, upcoming rounds of the Community Benefits Fund, and other important project information, subscribe to our newsletter.

Stay Informed

Latest News & Events

Middle Creek EPBC Referral Live

The Middle Creek Energy Hub proposal has been submitted to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water for consideration under the Environment Protection

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